我们的使命: Provide an exceptional learning environment that prepares students for meaningful personal lives, professional accomplishments, and responsible global citizenship. The Drake experience is distinguished by collaborative learning among students, 教师, and staff and by the integration of the liberal arts and sciences with professional preparation.

我们的灵感: Together we transform lives and strengthen communities.
教学 & 学习
Providing exceptional learning opportunities and programming to fulfill Drake’s mission by meeting the needs of those we serve, 包括学生, 校友, and the many communities of which we are a part.
Objective: Provide an exceptional undergraduate learning and living experience. 97.3%. Undergraduate degree recipients are employed, enrolled in graduate or professional school, or involved in an activity related to their professional goals. Knowledge Rate (aka Response Rate): 94.5%.
Objective: Provide exceptional undergraduate experiential learning opportunities. Professional Preparation: 92.7 percent of graduating seniors reported having an internship or other practical experience.
Provide exceptional undergraduate experiential learning opportunities. 的服务培训:63.5 percent of graduating seniors having a community engaged component as part of one or more of their courses.
Objective: Create and sustain an inclusive campus community. 27.4% of Drake's undergraduates are students of color.
Objective: Provide an exceptional graduate and professional learning experience. 98.3% Graduate Accomplishment Rate
Objective: Infuse global and intercultural learning throughout the Drake experience. 50% of undergraduates study abroad, 学习一门外语, or participate in a global academic program.
创新 & 反射
Building on our successes and seizing opportunities for improvement through the pervasive assessment of Drake’s educational and operational effectiveness in achieving its mission.
Objective: The College and University Sustainability Project.
Objective: Inspire collaborative planning and data-driven decision making. Drake’s annual employee survey shows tremendous strengths such as a caring and compassionate sense of community, flexible and dedicated employees, 创新领袖, and a steady resolve to pursue our institutional mission.
Implementing and executing administrative processes in order to deliver on Drake’s mission efficiently and effectively.
Initiative: Morehouse Revitalization.
Objective: Enhance environmental sustainability. Drake receives stormwater/sustainability grant.
Developing and sustaining our resources – human, 金融, and material – in order to fulfill the commitments of Drake’s mission.
Objective: Improve 金融 performance. For the fiscal year 2022–2023, Drake generated more than $55 million in new gifts….
Objective: Strengthen Drake as an anchor institution. In 2023, 威尼斯人网上娱乐学生, 教师, 工作人员提供了239人,926 hours of volunteer and community service.
Objective: Foster a culture of pride and engagement among 教师, staff, and 校友. 41% of 教师 and staff have given to Drake in the past fiscal year.
Objective: Strengthen Drake as an anchor institution. $427 million: Drake's annual economic impact in central Iowa.
Expand to learn more about current University initiatives that support our continuous improvement efforts.
Initiative: The Ones: Drake’s Campaign for the Brave & 大胆的
杰伊·N. 亲爱的研究所
Initiative: Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Initiative: 约翰·迪·布莱特学院
Initiative: Mediacom Stadium
Initiative: Broadlawns Community Clinic at Drake
Initiative: Tuition Guarantee
Initiative: University Core Values